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Bayshore Christian Ministries
Impact Report 2021

See, I am doing a new thing... 

I am making a way in the wilderness 

and streams in the wasteland. 


Isaiah 43:19 

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Indeed, God has been doing a new thing at BCM!


Thank you to our community, staff, supporters and BCM family for doubling down on an incredible year.  Our world, our community was bursting with needs and pains, and BCM delivered. In 2021, we needed in person connections in a world gone virtual. God answered. We needed outdoor, beautiful space. God answered. We needed mental health initiatives, creative ways to meet children and students that were suffering from the ravages of Covid isolation. God answered. We needed more staff, more volunteers, more resources. God answered. We needed to reconnect and reach the students. God answered. 

In FY21 BCM welcomed 2 new Spiritual Teen Managers, a new Director of Programs, Director of Operations, Elementary Academic Program Manager, and a new Executive Director. We also promoted our Elementary Spiritual Program Manager to full time and our Create Manager to Assistant Director of Programs - Academics.  

Fall was a time of constant shifting and assessing the needs of our community and students.   We strove to meet needs in a constantly changing sea of Covid safety concerns and tightening mandates. But by Spring, we had figured out how to be in person as safely as possible – running a hybrid of academic and spiritual programs both in person and virtually. 


Summer was our great relaunch, successfully running 90% of programs in person and reaching our maximum summer program capacity. Every day our students experienced science and tech, music and art, swimming and soccer with loving volunteers, interns and staff that reminded each student that they are seen, known and loved deeply.

We have re-opened our space for the community, hosting a local high school in the day and our programs after school and weekends. We are partnering with more churches than ever before. And we kicked off the new fiscal year with the Field of Hope as a symbol of all that God has done and answered in 2021! We are thankful for God’s faithfulness and yours. And we run with perseverance toward the prize that is in Christ Jesus, determined to see all that God has for 2022!





Tiffany Hong, Executive Director

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We are on a mission to equip east-of-Bayshore youth to grow spiritually, gain life skills and develop as leaders so that they have hope and a future. 


Bible Club, Vacation Bible School (VBS), StreetWorkz, LiT (Leaders In Training)

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Matthew 28:19

Thank you Jesus for Ms. Leslie and Ms. Mary Jo for teaching us about You and for Bible Club and for being in-person.  

BCM Student

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  100% teens engaged with a Christian mentor

  85% elementary students comfortable praying to God independently


When I started at BCM, I had recently lost my brother to gun violence on the next street over from BCM. I was going through a rough time and didn't have a support system, so joining BCM really helped me out a lot and made me feel like I had a home.  I grew connections and learned more about the Lord's Word.  


My mom has not always been wealthy or always been able to give me money for things or always have a meal on the table for me but BCM has ALWAYS been a backbone for me.  Every goal I have set and accomplished has been because I have had people from BCM pushing me to become better and do better than what people’s ideas of me were.  


BCM Alumna


Read more about teen ministries

As a volunteer I have seen that these students experience a lot that is difficult and unfair and they ask, “Why do I have to go through this?” There is no easy answer to their questions, but I can share that what makes Christians different is that we have hope in the Lord.  Trusting God can fulfill our deepest needs; He is there and will carry us through.  


BCM Volunteer

God has been working in Vacation Bible School, in the way the students are able to immediately apply the lessons they’ve learned to their own lives.  One of our VBS themes this summer was How God Comforts. It sticks to them. I was walking with the students after, and I heard one of the students say something not so nice to another. Then, one of them interrupted and said, "God doesn’t like that. He comforts."  


BCM Summer Intern


Read more about VBS 




KidSmart and KidSmart Summer Bridge, Academic Coaching for Success (ACS), Create Academy, Robotics

A student in Academic Coaching for Success (ACS) had 171 missing assignments. With the transition between shelter-in-place and in-person programming, this particular student had little to no motivation to get back into the classroom and told his parents that he didn’t want to go to school anymore.  ACS provided a space that was not his home and not the classroom where he felt comfortable enough to speak about the barriers he was facing. With the help of BCM staff and volunteers, he was able to complete all 171 missing assignments and turn them in for full credit.

Read more about ACS 

I’m proud of the robot we built. It was fun to tell my friends that I got to go to NASA to work on our robot; they didn’t believe me at first. I like learning about new things, and I’m considering a career in computer science or maybe becoming a doctor. I’m excited to recruit more students. I recently invited some other high school students and I hope they join.


BCM Student

Read more about Robotics

I see God at BCM.  Having my children at BCM is a beautiful thing. I’m thinking about everything BCM has given me and it’s all from Him. I wish I had you guys when I was younger. God is shining his light on everyone at BCM and helping every single family.


BCM Parent


Read more from a BCM parent  

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students involved in robotics 

70 students
academic summer programs


in life skills


My tutor asks me how my day is going, how my weekend was, what homework I have.  He has me try the math first to see if I understand, and helps me if I need it.  I’ve been improving in math because my tutor helps me to understand things like word problems.  I used to have a B- and now I have an A-.  My tutor also helps me focus, and he taught me how to be truthful.  I used to lie and say that I was done with my work when I wasn’t, but now I am ready to show my work.


BCM Student


I’m proud of the robot we built. It was fun to tell my friends that I got to go to NASA to work on our robot; they didn’t believe me at first. I like learning about new things, and I’m considering a career in computer science or maybe becoming a doctor. I’m excited to recruit more students. I recently invited some other high school students and I hope they join.

BCM Student 

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We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.


2 Thessalonians 1:3

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With BCM’s support, I have been able to develop my leadership skills to positively impact my community. At a BCM retreat, my leadership encouraged peers to share their hardships. I showed vulnerability by sharing my story first and this helped others feel comfortable. My commitment to the program, even when there have been changes in program management, reflects my ability to adjust and continue to lead younger members of the group.


BCM Alumna


Read more from a BCM Scholarship recipient  

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interns serving at BCM

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I have been a part of BCM for about three years now and I have received so much support with my journey with my spirituality, my academics, and my life in general.  My emotional resilience and positive outlook I can accredit to BCM and the outstanding staff in their encouraging and loving environment. I thank the BCM team for the continuous love and support.


BCM Alumna


Read more from a BCM Scholarship recipient  


Kimberly Lopez Hernandez,

CSU Sacramento

Sofia Santiago,

UC Berkeley

Kassandra Saucedo,

UC Santa Cruz

Karen Saucedo,

Sonoma State University 


Kielee Shepard,

Langston University 


Carmen Zurita,

Fresno Pacific University 

We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers.

Thessalonians 1:2


Thank you, BCM Volunteers!

Congratulations to BCM’s Scholarship Recipients!

During COVID, it increasingly felt like there was no boundary between work and my life, and I didn’t want work to take over. I know that if I don’t work service into a part of my life in a certain regularity, then it becomes so easy to push it aside. We get distracted by the urgent things, and forget to put things into the right places. Volunteering at BCM helps me to keep my eyes on the things that are important but not necessarily urgent. It helps me to practice what I want to be.


BCM Volunteer


Read more from BCM volunteers


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dollar value

of volunteer


259 Total


5,475 Total

Volunteer Hours

Field of Hope

In the fall of 2019, BCM began the process of redesigning our field, but with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, progress on the field ground to a halt.  Like seeds planted that lie in wait for God to bring them to life, the Field of Hope began growing again during the spring of 2020.  The basketball court was installed with support from the Jeremy Lin Foundation, followed by the multi-use turf field, bonfire and outdoor eating area.  On October 10th, 2021, we celebrated the completion of the Field of Hope with over 230 friends of BCM.  We are grateful to God for his provision, faithfulness and the beautiful outdoor space that will be enjoyed by our students, families and community.


View the complete story in this published article!


Our Team

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.


1 Corinthians 12:12



Waniya Bryant
Paige Burgess
Jennifer Greely-Nicks
Andrew Hartwell
Tiffany Hong
Amy Joh
Josette Langevine
Diana Liggs
Gene Lopez

Natessa Martinez
Roberto Mendoza
Kim Shimazaki
Steve Spanos
Aaron Tom 
Leslie Tuakalau
Mona Tuitavake
Rosie Valencia
Priscilla Welsh
Jonathan Wick
Rolando Zeledon



Lance Bloomquist
Dan Bradford

Rhonda Brewster
Kwame Eason
Alicia Fajardo
Joey Gonzales
Isabel Jimenez
Emil Lovely
Jacqueline Ronan
Ron Sanders
Alexander Sideropoulos

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Abraham Barajas 
Stephanie Caudillo

Roland Chan
Greg Corsetto
Ed King
Kimberly Lopez Hernandez
Chucky Mendoza
Vanessa Murillo
Angel Patino
Rajesh Philipos
Matt Pizzimenti
Sofia Santiago
Keyla Suarez
Ana Tuakalau
Camila Valeros
Yoshirha Valeros
Carmen Zurita



Abounding Grace Christian Church
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship
Bethany Lutheran Church
Central Peninsula Church
Chinese for Christ Church San Jose
Community Baptist Church
Community Church of East Palo Alto
Hana Seed Church
Highway Community
Home of Christ Cupertino
Home of Christ Menlo Park
Living Community Church
Lord’s Grace Christian Church

Menlo Church
New Beginning's Community Church

New Community Church
Orchard Valley Christian Church

Palo Alto Vineyard
Peninsula Covenant Church
Spark Church
St. James AME Zion
St. Mark’s AME Zion
True North
University AME Zion
Valley Church
VIVE Church
The Well



Atkinson Foundation  

Episcopal Impact Fund  

Facebook Community Engagement 

Facebook Local Community Fund     

     (Philanthropic Ventures Foundation)  


Jeremy Lin Foundation  

Palo Alto Weekly Holiday Fund  

Ravenswood Youth Athletic Association  

San Francisco Foundation  

Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation 

Transparent Fish Fund  

Younger Family Foundation 


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prayer team

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23

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